Loving, Learning, Living as we journey together to enable everyone to flourish
‘Loving, learning, living’ shapes our priorities in all areas of school life:
Journeying together, we discover our unique gifts and use them for the benefit of others. We learn to overcome the challenges we face, and support one another to be the best that we can be. As in the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:29–37) ‘who loved his neighbour as he would himself,’ we seek to help everyone in our school community to flourish through loving, learning and living well together.
We love God, ourselves and one another. We love and care for our world and our neighbours, locally and globally.
We learn from one another and grow in wisdom from our experiences so that we can be the people we were created to be.
We live together in peace, trust, and with respect. We are giving and forgiving and always willing to go the extra mile to bring hope to our world.
Our curriculum will:
Reflect the cultural, spiritual and physical context of the school and its locality
Reflect the diversity of Britain and our wider communities
Be responsive to the needs of all learners
The value we place on reading and language underpins everything that we do. Above all we value kindness